Sunday, 28 August 2022

Accountability for the advice we give.

 Here's a thought about the advice we give to others.

Imagine it's judgement day and a person is questioned by Allah about their deeds and the times they strayed off the path, This person responds by firstly accepting the error of their ways but then goes on to explain how their actions were influenced by other people. They say that they foolishly followed people who they thought were better informed. Who came across as knowing what they were talking about.

Then this person points at you. Portioning to you part of the blame for leading them astray with the advice you gave. How do you respond to that?

Are you going to just accept it without question and take on the punishment on their behalf? Surely not. You are going to argue your case. You are going to tell them that they were in full control of all their choices. They didn't have to listen to anything you said. You had no power over them.

Just take a step back and analyse that response.
Manyatimes we people arguing their point at length only to be seen to be correct so others would accept them as the better informed. We see the oft repeated advice threads. We the entire influencer industry geared towards getting others to follow their lead.

Yet when these people are caught out and the error of their ways is made apparent to them, they are quick to wash their hands of their followers. Remarkably, this response is not to dissimilar to the response from iblis himself. He will announce to the people that followed him that he had not power over them, and they followed him willingly and then he will abandon them.

Lets be careful about the attitudes, thoughts and concepts we defend promote and propagate. The last thing we need is someone being led astray by it and become to hold us to account on judgment day.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Does Woman need Man

Does Woman need Man?
For gender equality purposes we should also ask does Man need Woman?

So on a more broader sense we should be asking does the gender needs its opposite?

Then you have to think about the non-binary genders. They don't have a clearly defined opposite.

Looks like we can't answer this question without discussing the definition of the characteristics of the genders. We have all seen that question being posed "what is a man" or "what is a woman" - we will get back to this shortly.

lets for the time being say a male is the one with XX chromosome and the female is the one with XY chromosomes.

Rephrasing the question "does a person with XX chromosome need a person with XY chromosome" the answers would essentially be 'it depends on what the task is'.

Traditionally/Historically women needed men due to societal and economic reasons. To be the bread winner. To perform the 'manly' task around the home etc. But in modern times women can earn the own living and the man a breadwinner is no longer needed.

In terms of relationships/marriage women needed men for spouses/companionship etc. But in more recent days women can be spouses and companions to each other. They don't even need a man for sexual relations even, as they have other means of meeting those needs.

Lets now look at a hormonal/biological level. The male with the XX chromosomes is the one that produces the male sperm where are the female with the XY chromosomes produces the egg. So the only time when male and female do need each other is in the case of biological reproduction. They can get way with not interacting with each other on all other aspects of human interactions, but if they want to reproduce and female egg will need a male sperm.

This is interesting in light of the Islamic concept of marriage- which is the only permitted means of having sexual relations, and is it understood in the context of having children.